Centenary of Italian Radio Broadcasting

From Oct 01 to Dec 29, 2024
Cluster Hunters Activators Operators Statistics Rules

In order to celebrate the centenary of the beginning of radio broadcasting in Italy by the U.R.I. - Unione Radiofonica Italiana (1924-1927), then E.I.A.R. Ente Italiano per le Audizioni Radiofoniche (1927-1944), in 1946 became R.A.I. - Radio Audizioni Italiane and later RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana, the A.R.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani is launching an Amateur Radio Award called Centenary of Italian Radio Broadcasting in Italy”.

Starting from 1st October, several commemorative stations of the ARI Sections will be present on the HF amateur radio bands with Special Callsigns. They will have this structure: Prefixes II or IR followed by the area code and a 4-letter suffix, starting with letter “R” e.g: IR3RVEN (Venice) or IR0ROMA (Rome).

Duration: 90 days, divided into three phases. The Award will start on 1st October 2024 at 00:00 Central Europe Time (UTC 22:00 of 30th September, because of daylight saving time) and will end on 29th December 2024 at 23:59 CET (UTC 22:59, standard time). The three phases consist of the three months of October, November and December.

Bands: the 9 HF bands allocated to the Amateur Radio Service: 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres.

Modes: SSB, CW, FT8, RTTY (baudot), MFSK (FT4 sub-mode only and henceforth called FT4 only) and PSK*. (6 modes in total)

*N.B.: PSK mode includes all sub-modes such as PSK31, PSK125, QPSK31, etc. Therefore if you connect the same station on the same band and in the same month for example once in PSK31 and a second time in PSK125, the latter QSO will be worth 0 points. Each ARI Special Station may only be worked once per band and per mode per phase, i.e. 6 times per band as long as it is worked in different modes (in 30 metres 5 times, as phone on this band is forbidden). Any DUPE will be discarded by the system without penalty. Thus, the same station can be connected a maximum of 3 times on the same band and in the same mode, provided it is in different months.

Categories: ARI Special Stations will compete only for the Activators category, all others for the Hunter category. Operators of the Special Stations will be able to compete for the Hunter category with their own callsigns. QSOs between activator stations are possible but will not provide points. The use of unattended stations is prohibited. Misbehaviour may result in exclusion from the ranking.

Score: Each activator/hunter QSO completed and validated by the platform will be worth;
- 1 point: if made in FT4 and FT8
- 2 points: if made in SSB, RTTY and PSK
- 3 points: if made in CW
Same score will be acquired by the activating station.

The Diploma is awarded in seven classes, upon achievement of the following scores:
1) “Basic” Class: 100 points
2) “Bronze” Class: 250 points
3) “Silver” Class: 500 points
4) “Gold” Class: 1000 points
5) “Platinum” Class: 2000 points
6) “Emerald” Class: 3000 points
7) “Diamond” Class: 4000 points

Hamaward: activators will use the Hamaward platform to manage this Award. Hunters are invited to register on web site www.hamaward.cloud This will allow you to check your QSOs and position in real time, as well as to download the Certificate and QSL cards that are valid also for the New A.R.I. Sections-ASC Award. Rankings: Two separate rankings will be drawn up for activating stations and hunters, which will be published on Radio Rivista and on www.ari.it .

Saranno premiate con una targa le prime tre Sezioni A.R.I. per punteggio calcolato dalla piattaforma Hamaward. Attenzione: la piattaforma si basa sui QSO effettuati, nessuna aggiunta, cancellazione o modifica di uno o più QSO potrà essere effettuata da terze parti.

There is no need to send logs, since QSOs are automatically checked by Hamaward.

Certificate and electronic QSL cards: they can be downloaded from the Hamaward platform. The Award is free of charge and consists of a PDF file. There is no paper version. It can be downloaded only at the end of the event. Electronic QSL cards can be downloaded any time.

Paper QSL cards: printing and sending are at the discretion of the participating Sections.

SWL: a listening certificate is provided for SWLs who have listened to at least 15 different Special Stations as listed. For this purpose send log extract to the manager once the target has been reached. Email: ik2uvr@ari.it

The log extract must contain the following data for each recording Name of the Special Station listened to, Date, UTC Time, Band, Mode and Name in QSO with the station listened to. In the absence of even one of these elements the request will be rejected. Example of recording:

Nr.    S.E.S.    Date DMY    Time UTC    Band    Mode    Worked Station
1    IR2RXYZ    10/10/2024    07:00    40m    SSB    IU3XYZ
2    IR8RXXY    18/10/2024    15:50    20m    FT8    IU8ZZZ
3    IR1RABC    11/11/2024    09:00    30m    RTTY    HA0ABC
…    …    …    …    …    …    …

SWL wishing to have HRD confirmation must request it from the activating stations. The HRD confirmation may also only be electronic.

Participation in the Award automatically implies acceptance of these regulations. Participation implies also the conset to the publication of their names in the rankings published on the A.R.I. information organs, i.e. A.R.I. website and Radio Rivista.

For any dispute, the decision of the manager is final and unappealable.

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