1° Celestian Forgiveness Award

From Aug 19 to Sep 03, 2023

1. Purpose
The event is conceived and organized by the ARI section of L'Aquila and is open to all hams.
With the diploma (CELESTIAN FORGIVENESS AWARD) we want to remember the Celestinian Forgiveness which for seven hundred and twenty-three years has been a symbolic invitation to Peace among all peoples which today as yesterday represents a vital need in a geopolitical landscape marked by war and death. The Pardon of L’Aquila is the cradle of the universal value of spirituality that takes shape when crossing the Holy Door of the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio. The solemn rite that Pope Celestine V, a month after his election as Pontiff, in 1294 granted to all the faithful, in the basilica built by his own will. The humble hermit of Morrone, the first pope to resign in papal history, left the custody of a social message of revolutionary importance to the inhabitants of L'Aquila.
The official website of the diploma is http://www.ariaq.it/wp/contest/award-perdonanza-celestiniana

2. Award Start / End dates
From 00.00 UTC of Agust the 19th 2023 till 23.59 UTC of September the 3th 2023

Award is issued following the QSO with IQs authorized stations by the ARI section of L'Aquila, as well as with the "event station" II6POPE, which will make calls: "CQ PERDONANZA CELESTINIANA / CQ CELESTIAN FORGIVENESS ", during the indicated period in point 2 of this regulation. 2-way QSOs with exchange of R/S report only (R/S/T for CW and digital modes) are valid.
The list of IQ stations participating in the award will be published on the award web page.

4. Bands
HF 3.5 – 7 – 10 – 14 – 18 – 21 – 24 – 28 MHz
The activators can be connected once a day for each band and different mode.

5. Modes
CW, SSB and Digital modes.

6. Ranking
The prize includes the ranking for hunters, visible in real time on the hamaward.cloud platform (via personal login) (see point 8).

7. Scores / QSOs
Digital Modes: 2 points. For each link, for each band and in RTTY, PSK, FT4, FT8 mode.
SSB: 5 points. For each link, for each band and in SSB mode.
CW: 10 points. For each link, for each band and in CW mode.
The II6POPE station is worth 10 points regardless of the emission mode.

8. Activator stations
In addition to II6POPE: "event station", there will be IQ stations adhering to the diploma representing the regions symbolizing the Pope Celestine V life (ABRUZZO, MOLISE, UMBRIA, LAZIO)
( see updated list on http://www.ariaq.it/wp/award-perdonanza-celestiniana/)

9. Award
The entire award management for both activators and hunters in real time is managed by the hamaward.cloud platform.

10. Disqualification
It is absolutely forbidden for hunters to request activators to log a callsign outside their own, band shift or mode. Anyone who does not observe the rules of the award will be disqualified at the sole discretion of the organization.

11. Ranking and Prizes
Two rankings will be drawn up, one for Italian OMs and another for foreign OMs. The stations that have obtained the highest score for each category will receive a plaque blessed by the Bishop of the city of L'Aquila.
An event pennant will be sent to all participating IQs.

12. Award release
All participants will receive a certificate of participation, and all those who reach 200 points will receive an award with the indicated category, score and position in the standings.
The certificate and the award, in high resolution, will be downloadable from the "hamaward.cloud" platform at the end of the event. The eQSLs of each connection will be downloadable from the "hamaward.cloud" platform at any time, even during the event. The paper QSL can be requested directly (2 dollars or pre-stamped envelope for Italy) or via bureau to the QSL manager to IK6QON.
After the publication of the general results, all the Ham’s who are entitled to it, will be able to receive the diploma in parchment format, by making an explicit request via email: info@ariaq.it, by sending a contribution of € 10 or $15.

For any information and clarifications, please write to: ik6qon@gmail.com