ITALIAN NAVY SHIP RADIO STATIONS AWARD 2022 - REGULETION from Alberto Mattei - IT9MRM - Chairman ARMI The ARMI Diploma called “ITALIAN NAVY SHIP RADIO STATIONS” was designed to remember the Naval Radio Stations of the Italian Military Navy from 1960 to today and to encourage radio comunications in all ways with all radio amateur stations. The Diploma is achievable by all OMs and SWL of the world. The Jolly station for this event will be II8IHBC – ITS VESUVIO. PERIOD of validity The diploma will start on 16 September 2022 (00:00 UTC) and will end on 25 September 2022 (23:59 UTC) STATIONS The following stations will be active: - Stations with a special name representing the naval radio stations of the Navy (see list on; - stations registered at ARMI; - stations registered with other Naval Clubs; - Independent stations. MODE The following modes are allowed: CW - SSB - DIGI (PSK – RTTY – FT8/FT4) BANDS All HF bands, according to the Band Plan IARU QSO POINTS QSOs (HRD) with the "JOLLY" IT Navy Ship Radio Station are worth 25 points (all modes); QSOs (HRD) with IT Navy Ship Radio Stations are worth 15 points (all modes); QSOs (HRD) with ARMI Club and Naval Clubs members are worth 5 points (CW); QSOs (HRD) with ARMI Clubs and Naval Clubs members are worth 3 points (SSB); QSOs (HRD) with ARMI Club and Naval Clubs members are worth 2 points (DIGI); QSOs (HRDs) with INDIPENDENT stations are worth 1 point (SSB-CW-DIGI); NB: All stations (ARMIs, Naval Stations and JOLLY Station) can only be connected turn-by-turn for each single release mode and the same for the whole race period. INDIPENDENT stations only once. All doppler connections will not be considered. MULTIPLIER for each "Ship Radio Stations" connected. Example: If at the end of the race I connected all 5 different naval radio stations, my result must multiply by 5. DIPLOMA POINTS To get the diploma you need a minimum of points as follows: Italian stations: 30 points; European Station: 20 points; Extra-European stations: 10 points; CALL The call will be as follows: CW / PSK31-RTTY-FT8 : CQ CQ DE II8IHBC II8IHBC AWARD IT NAVY SHIP RADIO STATIONS K SSB : CQ CQ from II8IHBC – CALLING FOR ITALIAN NAVY SHIPS RADIO STATIONS AWARD - OVER. REPORTS AND NUMBERS The ARMI stations will pass the RST reports followed by the registration number (MI #); NAVAL stations (*) will pass the RST reports followed by the registration number corresponding to the number club (MF # - IN # - RN # ....); The INDIPENDENT stations will pass RST reports. CATEGORIES There are three categories : “NAVAL” for ARMI stations and members of other Naval Clubs (*) “INDIPENDENT” for all other OMs “SWL” SUB There are four subcategories: “DIGIT” (PSK/RTTY/FT8/FT4) “MIXED” (only SSB/CW) “PHONE” (SSB) “MORSE” (CW) PRIZES The highest score of each Category / Subcategory (DIGIT-PHONE-MORSE) will receive a prize plaque (if the station with the high score is HUNTER winner, the second one that follows in its category / subcategory actually becomes the first and will receive the plaque ); For SWL there is only one Sub-category (MIXED) (they do not participate in the general / Hunter ranking); For the general classification "HUNTER" the highest score ever (first classified), will be awarded with a cup. For the “Ship Radio Station” stations, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with a cup. A souvenir plaque will be issued for the Jolly station (NOT IN RACE). The prizes will be released for all categories / subcategories, only if there are at least 5 stations in the competition in the ranking. All participants can automatically download the "certificate of participation" in graphic format via the ARMILOG portal on the reference "wall" ( For the diploma (award) see following provisions. REQUEST The Diploma will be required at the Award manager: IT9MRM Alberto Mattei - Via E. Millo, 20 - 96011 Augusta (SR) - Italy - email: The request for the awards must be made by post (electronic), the logged log will be authentic. The applicant for to participate in the competition, must send a contribution of € 10,00 or $ 11,00 (USD). This will entitle you to receive the Award in paper format (with its ranking position, participation mode and final) and to compete for the final prize (the contribution must be paid at the end of the competition and no later than the predetermined term). A plaque dedicated to the event was created if necessary, which can be requested by all participants at a cost of € 40 (packaging and shipping costs included). To view the plaque, see the institutional website. LOGS To participate in the race, you will have the HAMAWARD wall available - this allows you to view the special stations in real time, manage your access, your log and download the QSLs and the participation certificate. In addition, you have the option of viewing your own connection statistics. It is possible to use any electronic log (Log4Om2, BBloger, N1MM, QARTEST, etc.). Those who participate in the tender must send the log extract in ADIF format at the end. This applies to those who want to participate in the tender and have consequently sent the contribution. Italian stations that wish to can send their contribution for the Diploma in the following ways: - via “PAYPAL” al seguente indirizzo - via Bank: IBAN IT46V0200884625000103416422 c/o UNICREDIT Augusta. IT IS MANDATORY TO INFORM VIA EMAIL BY SENDING THE PAYMENT DATA EXPIRY Requests for the diploma must arrive no later than 31. 10. 2022. |