19th Diploma Palazzo Reale di Caserta

From Sep 21 to Sep 30, 2024
Cluster Hunters Activators Statistics Rules

The “19th DIPLOMA PALAZZO REALE DI CASERTA”, described in this regulation is an international diploma extended to all countries in the world, organized by the A.R.I. Section of CASERTA.

The Diploma will start on September 21, 2024 (from 00:00 UTC) and will end on September 30, 2024 (at 23:59 UTC).

During the event the following stations will be active:
1. the Section call sign IQ8DO
2. the special call sign IR8PR
3. ALL members of the A.R.I CASERTA Section with their respective Personal Call Signs.
The list of the stations activating the Award will be published on the Section website

To make as many contacts as possible with the Section callsign IQ8DO, the special callsign IR8PR and the participating members of the A.R.I CASERTA Section.

The Award is open to all radio amateurs in the world.

All amateur radio bands according to the IARU Band Plan from 160 to 10 meters, including WARC.

The following modes are allowed: CW, SSB and all digital modes allowed.


RS(T) report only.

Each station activating A.R.I. CASERTA can be contacted on the same day a maximum of three times for each band (SSB, CW and DIGITAL). Any QSOs made on the same day, on the same band and with the same emission mode
will be considered "double" and their score will be set equal to zero.

Each valid connection will be assigned a score based on the following rules:
A) QSO with the "Jolly" station IQ8DO: 5 points
B) QSO with the Special Callsign IR8PR: 3 points
C) QSO with A.R.I. CASERTA members: 1 point.
During the event the callsign IR8PR/P will also be engaged in portable activity with reference DCI CE-023, all connections are worth 3 points and the same connections will be valid also for AWARD DCI accreditation.

General sum of the individual QSO scores.
Category A): OM/SWL/YL and ITA Sections that have achieved a score of at least 50 points;
Category B): OM/SWL/YL and European clubs that have achieved a score of at least 30 points;
Category C): OM/SWL/YL and non-European clubs that have achieved a score of at least 30 points;
Category D): OM accredited stations (only compete for the activator classification)
Category E) "GOLD": OM/SWL/YL and clubs that have contacted/listened to the special commemorative station "Jolly" IQ8DO and IR8PR at least once on at least 4 frequency bands (1st classified only).

Plate to the 1st - 2nd and 3rd classified Italian OM (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the 1st classified Foreign OM (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the 1st classified YL (Italian or foreign) (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the 1st classified SWL (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the 1st classified with Section call sign IQxx/IQxxx (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the 1st - 2nd and 3rd Classified OM of the A.R.I. Section of CASERTA (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)
Plate to the GOLD to the 1st Classified OM/SWL (offered by the ARI section of Caserta)

In case of a tie, the total number of QSOs will prevail.
A diploma in PDF format downloadable from the HAMAWARD platform is provided.
Stations that do not reach the score will be able to download the certificate of participation from the HAMAWARD website.
In addition, upon request, it will be possible to request the ARI CASERTA MEMORIAL PLATE depicting the CASERTA PALACE, with a contribution of € 15.00

In addition to the ranking with prizes, it will be possible to compete for the online ranking, with the possibility of
downloading the diploma in electronic format at the end of the event from the QRZ page of the event or from the Hamaward.cloud platform.

During and after the event it will be possible to download the eQSL of each QSO made through the Hamaward.cloud platform.

For the occasion, a special commemorative QSL will be issued for the contacts made with the IQ8DO station. The QSL will be sent in response to the OMs who have in turn sent their own QSL.

QSL Manager:
IQ8DO - QSL via bureau or direct
For Direct QSL – QSL via diretta (no IRC - no stamps ! )
Italy: SASE (prepaid and pre-addressed envelope)
Europe: 2$ SAE / Pacific Area: 4$ SAE / Other countries: 3$ SAE
In case of insufficient contributions, the shipment will be made via bureau

Participants are not required to send any log: the diploma ranking will be built based on the union of the logs of the individual A.R.I. CASERTA stations (IQ8DO – IR8PR and the Members).
All logs of participating stations will be uploaded to the HAMAWARD website. The score achieved by each participating station will be automatically published online in real time on the Hamaward.cloud platform.

Requests should be addressed to the Award Manager - Pasquale Mugnano IU8NKW – Via Eduardo De Filippo n. 8 - 81100 CASERTA (CE) Italy - e-mail: iu8nkw@gmail.com.
For payments, you can top up on PostePay card n° 5333 1711 3115 9739 or
by bank transfer IT93Y3608105138257846457851 in the name of the Secretary Carmine Silvestri IW8EAS, please write the name plus first and last name.

The A.R.I. Caserta is responsible for the relevant checks, assignment and validation of scores and attribution of the ranking. All participants are required to follow the official regulations in force regarding amateur radio traffic and the rules of good behavior dictated by the "HAM Spirit". Violation of the rules of this regulation, as well as any behavior deemed unsportsmanlike by the A.R.I. Caserta Committee, may lead to the application of penalties or the adoption of disciplinary measures, including disqualification.

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