The Last Flight of the Liberator

From Aug 05 to Aug 15, 2024
Cluster Hunters Activators Statistics Rules

1. Name of the Special Event Action: "Last Flight of the Liberator"

2. Objective: To commemorate the crash of the Liberator B-24 KG 890GR-S aircraft, which was shot down near Bochnia during the night of August 14-15, 1944, and to honor the history of Polish air force soldiers who participated in World War II.

3. Organizer: CQMBO Bochnia Radio Amateur Club SP9PBB

4. Duration: From August 5 to 15, 2024

5. Participants: All licensed amateur radio operators with a valid amateur radio license and operators working under club's callsign are eligible to participate.

6. Bands and Modes: The event will be conducted on all HF bands (except 60m band) using SSB and CW modes. The 80m and 40m bands are preferred.

7. Special Event Stations:

- SP9PBB (operators – organizer’s club members)
- SP1944LIB (operators SQ9IAU and SQ9HQ - CW)
- HF80KG890G (operator SQ9LFO)
- SO1944LIB (operator SQ9Z)

8. Other Organizer Stations:

- Stations from Bochnia and OT-28 (Tarnow): SP9CLO, SQ9DEO, SP9JZT, SP9JZW, SP9KAO, SP9LAS, SQ9MEE, SQ9MR, SQ9PW, SP9RHN, SQ9SX, SQ9Z
- Station from the Warsaw region: SP5VL
- Stations from Brindisi (ITA): IK7RWE, IK7LMX, IK7QMJ, IZ7CDG, IU7DLD, IU7EXS

9. Scoring: For each QSO, the participant will be awarded points in the quantities assigned to the stations as follows:

- Special Event Stations: SP9PBB, SP1944LIB, HF80KG890G, SO1944LIB
- SSB: 20 points
- CW: 25 points

- SSB: 10 points
- CW: 15 points

- Organizer’s Stations (ITA): IK7RWE, IK7LMX, IK7QMJ, IZ7CDG, IU7DLD, IU7EXS
- SSB: 20 points
- CW: 25 points

The scoring for DX stations is the same as for SP stations.

We highly recommend all participants to monitor their logged QSOs and points earned on the specially prepared online platform:]
10. Point Allocation: Points are awarded for each contact with with stations awarding points once daily (UTC time applies) on each band separately for SSB and CW modes. For example, a point-earning contact with the SP9PBB station can be made daily on each band with both SSB and CW modes, count separately. The same applies to all other stations.

A diploma will be awarded to participants who score at least 890 points (the number 890 refers to the Liberator aircraft number KG890GR-S).

11. Confirmation of obtaining a diploma: Diplomas will be issued automatically in electronic form on the contact logging platform after the end of the Special Event Action, provided that the required number of points is obtained.

12. QSL Cards: QSL cards will be available for download in electronic form at

13. Top Scorer Prize: The participant with the highest points will win a material prize: YAESU FT4-X tranisceiver. If more than one station achieves the highest points, the prize will go to the participant who first achieved the best result. The sponsor of the prize is Andrzej SQ9MEE ( )

14. In addition, the paper form Diploma will be prepared for the participants with the highest points (one SP-participant  and one DX). It will be sent by post (provided the honored participant agrees to share their address details, which will be used solely for this purpose).

15. Dispute and Complaint Resolution: Any disputes and complaints will be resolved solely by the Organizer of the Special Event Action, as well as any issues not covered by these rules. The Organizer's decisions are final.

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