XX° C.O.T.A. Award 2024

From May 24 to Jun 05, 2024
Cluster Hunters Activators Statistics Rules

Participation: It is open to all Italian and foreign OM and SWL

Period: From 00:01 UTC on 24 May 2024 to 23.59 UTC on 5 June 2024.

H.F. bands: 3.5 MHz (80 mt.), 7 MHz (40 mt.), 14 MHz (20 mt.), 21 Mhz (15 mt.), 28 Mhz (10 mt.) in the segments recommended by the IARU - Region 1

Modes: SSB, CW, PSK31, RTTY, FT8.

Connections: Valid stations of the C.O.T.A. Association can be connected several times a day, in different ways and bands.

Stations valid for the Diploma:
Special Stations IQ6CC, IQ6CC/ZONA, Stations Local Groups COTA, Stations Members of the Association Amateur Radio Carabinieri.

The complete list of stations valid to compete for the achievement of the 20

QSO Points:
Connections with Special Stations are worth 5 points in SSB-CW, 1 point in digital
Connections to COTA Local GROUPS Stations are worth 3 points in SSB-CW, 1 point in digital Connections with activating stations are worth 3 points in CW, 2 points in SSB, 1 point in digital On 05 June from 00.01 UTC to 23.59 UTC there will be "The C.O.T.A.Special Call"; all the activation stations, enrolled in the A.R.C., will assign a DOUBLE score for each connection.

No more than one connection per day is allowed for the same station in the same way and bandwidth.
Reports: all valid stations will pass RS-T without serial number
Call: in SSB, "CQ XX Diploma C.O.T.A.", in CW and in Digital "CQ COTA"

The stations valid C.O.T.A., can send at their discretion their QSL to the connected stations. Points Diploma:
for obtaining the diploma you must achieve the following minimum score:

Italian and European stations: 50 points; Extra-European stations: 30 points;
Stations that will score more than 100 "GOLD" diploma points

The diploma must be requested no later than 15 June 2024, (valid date of receipt of e-mail or upload).
The request can be made through:
on-line: via link published on the website www.cota.cc and upload your log in the accepted formats:
*.adi, *.cbr.
e-mail: to the e-mail address diploma@cota.cc

Any communication and/or logs sent to an address other than diploma@cota.cc will not be taken into account.

Specify in detail in the request:
Station name OM/YL/SWL participant
Category SSB (Phony), MIXED (Phony and Cw), CW, DIGITAL
Name, Surname and exact postal address where to send the COTA Diploma
Your own e-mail address attach:
the complete station log extract in ADIF or CABRILLO format showing: connected station name, date, band or frequency, mode, ratio, detail and total score obtained.
A personal QSL (if available)

OFFICIAL SOFTWARE: "HAMAWARD" (https://hamaward.cloud/)
(each hunter will be free to manage their log using the preferred digital platform)

Categories and prizes:
For each category (SSB, Mixed, CW, YL, SWL, Digital), will be published on www.cota.cc the relative ranking

Cat. HF  MISTO (SSB - CW) - Italiano, Extra Italia
Cat. HF SSB - Italiano, Extra Italia
Cat. HF CW - Italiano, Extra Italia
Cat. YL MISTO  (SSB - CW) - Italiano, Extra Italia
Cat. SWL - Italiano, Extra Italia
Cat. Digitale - Italiano, Extra Italia

To participate in the SWL category you must be in possession of a radio listening authorization with the relevant name issued by the competent Authority that must be used for the application.
To participate in the MIXED category, the minimum required QSO of one of the two modes (voice or cw)
must be at least 10% of the total. Digital QSOs will not be counted for the Mixed category.

Any decision of the Award Committee will be final and final.
The first place overall in each category will be awarded a special award.

Each participant of the XX Diploma C.O.T.A. can compete for the award of a single prize, in case of multiple assignments will have the choice.

The award ceremony will take place on 22 September 2024 in Castelfidardo (AN) on the occasion of the XX C.O.T.A. Radio Meeting.

Applications for the diploma that are incomplete or lack part of the documentation required by the regulation or that are received after the date of 15 June 2024 will be excluded from the Diploma.

Diplomas will be sent in digital format (jpg) via e-mail.

Exclusively on specific request, they will be printed on parchment paper at a cost of € 20.00 and the proceeds will be donated to O.N.A.O.M.A.C. The request must be sent at the same time as the log and
the parchment can:
be picked up in person at the C.O.T.A. meeting in Castelfidardo (AN) or at the fair in Montichiari (BS);
sent to your home via traceable postal service, please indicate the correct address.

Payment can be made by:
Payment on c/c postal number 000060567955 Registered to: Associazione Radioamatori Carabinieri
C.O.T.A. Via Bramante 38 60022 Castelfidardo (AN) Italy (Note: only for Italy)
Bank transfer: IBAN: EN 04 L 07601 02600 000060567955 ; BIC: BPPIITRRXXX (Note: bank transfers from non-EU countries are not accepted)
PayPal (form on website www.cota.cc);

The painting of the diploma, original oil on canvas, will be dedicated to the Centro Sportivo Carabinieri on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment. It will be realized by the artist Roberta Cuomo.

Who wants, can make a voluntary donation with the causal: XX Diploma COTA - Pro ONAOMAC; the entire amount will be donated to the National Opera Assistance Military Armed Police Corps

For further information: http://www.cota.cc : e-mail diploma@cota.cc

Diploma Manager: IU2IFI

Award Committee: IW2DU, IU2KUB, IW7EBB, IU2IFJ.

The proceeds net of operating expenses will be donated to the "ONAOMAC" (National Work Assistance
Orphans Military Weapon Carabinieri www.onaomac.it) in addition to other charitable works.

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