BGBS 2023 Italian Culture Capital

From Sep 02 to Dec 31, 2023

It is open to all Italian and foreign OMs and SWLs.

From 00:00 UTC on September 2, 2023 to 24:00 UTC on December 31, 2023.

All HF bands (10-12-15-17-20-30-40-80-80-160 mt) in the segments recommended by IARU Region 1

Modes: SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31.

The following stations will be active:
Accredited Activators: Callsign + Reference   (Ex. IU2IBU + Reference BS11, BS12..etc.). (Ex. IZ2LPN + Reference BG31, BG32..etc.).
Radio Club: IQ Club Callsign + Reference    (Ex. IQ2CF + Reference BS11, BS12..etc.).
Jolly Station IB2BGBS: Active only during the n°5 Field Days operations (IB2BGBS + References
BGBS1, BGBS2, BGBS3, BGBS4, BGBS5) according to the following schedule:

Calendar and Numbering of the Jolly References

17th September ’23     Albino Club (Bg)     Reference Orologio Planetario Fanzago di Clusone      BGBS1
1st October ’23     Brescia Club (Bs)     Reference Castello di Brescia     BGBS2
15th October ’23     Valle Camonica Club (Bs)     Reference Monumento Cristo Re di Bienno      BGBS3
5th November ’23     Bergamo Club (Bg)     Reference Mura di Bergamo      BGBS4
12th November ’23     Treviglio Club (Bg)     Reference Museo dei Trattori SAME     BGBS5

ATTENTION! Jolly references will be in on air ONLY on the date indicated in the calendar, so that will be the only opportunity to have the contact with this special callsign!
Calendar and Numbering of the Ordinary References

The other 40 references (8 for each Club) in the air from September 2nd to December 31st, 2023, will be identified according to the province and the Club they belong with the following prefixes and suffixes:
Bergamo Club: reference BG1#, with # from 1 to 8. Brescia Club: reference BS1#, with # from 1 to 8. Treviglio Club: reference BG2#, with # from 1 to 8.
Valle Camonica Club: reference BS2#, with # from 1 to 8.
Albino Club: reference BG3#, with # from 1 to 8.

Bergamo Club
BG11: Teatro Donizetti
BG12: Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore
BG13: Palazzo della Ragione
BG14: La Torre Civica
BG15: Casinò di San Pellegrino
BG16: Borgo "Cornello dei Tasso"
BG17: Castello di Malpaga
BG18: Villaggio Crespi a Crespi d'Adda
Brescia Club
BS11: Capitolium (Tempio Capitolino)
BS12: Vittoria Alata
BS13: Teatro Grande di Brescia
BS14: Pinacoteca di Brescia
BS15: Duomo vecchio di Brescia
BS16: Museo Santa Giulia
BS17: Museo delle Mille Miglia
BS18: Il Vittoriale degli Italiani di Gardone Riviera
Treviglio Club
BG21: Santuario Madonna delle Lacrime Treviglio
BG22: Santuario di S.Maria della Fonte Caravaggio
BG23: Palazzo Visconti di Brignano
BG24: Castello Visconteo di Pagazzano
BG25: Chiesa della Santissima Trinità di Urgnano
BG26: Castello e la Rocca di Romano di Lombardia
BG27: Castello Colleoni di Martinengo
BG28: Museo Arte Cultura Sacra di Romano d/L
Valle Camonica Club
BS21: Parco incisioni rupestri "Naquane" Capo di Ponte
BS22: Museo Camillo Golgi – Corteno Golgi
BS23: Castello – Breno
BS24: Teatro di Minerva -Breno
BS25: Museo e Teatro Romano – Cividate Camuno
BS26: Museo della Guerra Bianca – Temù
BS27: Museo Seconda Guerra Mondiale – Darfo Boario
BS28: Palazzo Tadini – Lovere (BG)
Albino Club
BG31: Le sacrestie dei Fantoni di Alzano Lombardo
BG32: Giovan Battista Moroni pittore di Albino
BG33: Parco paleontologico di Cene
BG34: Basilica di Santa Maria Assunto di Gandino
BG35: Ecomuseo miniere di Gorno
BG36: Parra Oppidum degli Orobi a Parre
BG37: Gromo Medioevale
BG38: Oratorio dei Disciplini e Danza Macabra Clusone

NB: References activated during this award are not valid for any other awards (DCI Castles, Churches, Abbey, etc.).
ATTENTION! Each Station can be connected only once per activated reference,  band and mode during the entire duration of the Award.
Example: Reference BS11 associated with the callsign IU2IBU, already contacted in 40mt SSB can no longer be contacted on the same band and mode throughout the entire duration of the AWARD. IU2IBU+Ref.BS12 or IZ2FOS+Ref.BS11 may instead be contacted, but always only 1 time for reference, band and mode.

RST: Each Station + Reference will pass: RST without serial number.

Call: SSB, CW and Digital: "CQ BGBS AWARD"- or in SSB "CQ Diploma BGBS Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2023"

QSO Points
QSO with Accredited Activators (Call + Reference): 1 Point
QSO with ARI Radio Club Calls (IQ2BG/IQ2CF/IQ2DN/IQ2VC/IQ2CP + Reference): 4 Points
QSO with Jolly Station (IB2BGBS + Reference): 20 Points
Purpose and Award Points
The purpose of the "Bergamo and Brescia Italian Culture Capital 2023 Award" for hunters is to collect as many references as possible during the period of activity, collecting a total of points to achieve the following goals:

Only for Italian Stations
Ordinary Award: Reaching at least 50 points and connecting a minimum of 8 ordinary references + 2 of the 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode
Bronze Award: Reaching at least 90 points and linking a minimum of 15 ordinary references + 3 of the 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode
Silver Award: Reaching at least 120 points and linking a minimum of 20 ordinary references + 4 of the 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode
GOLD Award: Reaching at least 150 points and linking a minimum of 25 ordinary references + all 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode

EU AWARD: (Reserved for European continent stations): Reaching at least 80 points and connecting minimum
15 ordinary references + 3 of 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode.

DX AWARD: (Reserved for Non-European stations): Reaching at least 60 points and connecting minimum 10 ordinary references + 2 of 5 Jolly references in at least one band and mode.

Diplomas and QSL cards
Awards will be downloadable in .PDF format at the end of the activities. Each hunter will be awarded (Ordinary, Bronze, Silver, Gold) on the base of the score achieved and the references connected as indicated in the "Purpose and Award Points" section.
Activators will receive a dedicated Award (Activator Award).
All stations that will be connected, even if they failed to get the diploma, will receive via bureau a special commemorative QSL card. For direct QSL please send a request directly to the Award Manager.

At the end of the Award, three different rankings will be created for the Hunters (Italy, EU and DX) and another ranking for the Activators.
Top winners in each category will receive at their home a special "Winner" Award printed on parchment paper in addition with a small prize for their achievement.

For any information please contact the Award Manager IZ2FOS - Lorenzo of Brescia ARI Club at:

Decisions of the Award Committee members IW2KPL-Bergamo, IZ2ELT-Brescia, IZ2JPQ-Treviglio, IK2UUJ-Val
Camonica and IZ2XAF-Albino, Radio Clubs Presidents will be final and unappealable.

The Award Manager
Lorenzo IZ2FOS