BGBS 2023 Italian Culture Capital

From Sep 02 to Dec 31, 2023

ARI Radio Club of the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia, and in particular Bergamo IQ2BG, Brescia IQ2CF, Treviglio IQ2DN, Valle Camonica IQ2VC and Albino IQ2CP, ISSUE for “Bergamo Brescia Italian Culture Capital
2023”, the BGBS 2023 Italian Culture Capital AWARD

The Award is aimed to promote, through amateur radio activity, cultural landmarks of the two provinces and celebrate cooperation between 5 Radio Clubs of Bergamo and Brescia.

Accredited activators will activate 8 references from each Club, with a total of 40 places of historical and cultural interest that characterize the two provinces.
The  complete  list  of  the  Award  activators  and  the  references  will  be  posted  on  the  official  Award  site in the Award section, and also on each Club website,, and Moreover you will find the same information on pages of the ARI Clubs: IQ2BG, IQ2CF, IQ2DN, IQ2VC and IQ2CP.
Members of the involved Clubs will also activate in a Portable Field Day n°5 more references (defined as Jolly) using the special call sign IB2BGBS, in a convivial aggregation of radio activity.