The Diploma was conceived and organized by A.R.M.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani - and participation is open to all OM and SWL in the world. With the diploma "92nd Anniversary launch of the Amerigo Vespucci School Ship" we want to commemorate the launch carried out on February 22, 1931 in Castellammare di Stabia. The queen of our ships turns 92. The Amerigo Vespucci, the oldest unit of the Italian Navy, considered 'the most beautiful ship in the world', is the symbol of national seafaring, guardian of ancient traditions and ambassador of Italy in the world, is preparing to celebrate its birthday her. "Her golden figurehead has plowed all the seas of the globe and her sails have been inflated by the winds of all quadrants, but this timeless vessel, the pride of the Navy, is always ready to experience new adventures ". |